Some foods are bad for braces because they can damage brackets and delay completion of treatment. Examples of these are popcorn, nuts, ice, hard candy, hard bread, beef jerky, hard tacos or chips. Other foods are bad for your teeth because they are sugary or hard to clean off braces like chewy candy, caramel, gum and soft drinks. Many foods that might be off-limits with braces can be enjoyed with extra care. For example, cut the kernels off corn on the cob, cut pizza into bite-sized pieces and avoid hard crust, cut crunchy vegetables like carrots into matchsticks and cut apples into wedges. Foods that you need to bite into, like sandwiches or hamburgers, are less messy if you cut them into pieces and eat them with a fork. Besides being easier on the braces, the brushing up afterwards is way easier too!
Our Weatherford, TX team is here to help! When you come in for your regular appointment, let us know if you have any questions about caring for your braces. We are happy to share techniques and tips to make your braces experience as pleasant as possible.